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Experience the American Civil War through the eyes of ordinary Americans

Upcoming Events

"The 11th Connecticut During the War of the Rebellion"
presented by Matthew Vallier
February 6th (Thursday) 7:00 PM
New England Civil War Museum

Civil War Roundtable of South Central Connecticut
"Jackson's Winchester, VA Headquarters"
presented by Bryan Daly
February 10th (Monday) 7:00 PM
(Zoom Only)
Shoreline Civil War Roundtable Event:

"Symbols of Strength - A Look Into the Connecticut Historical Battle Flag Collection"
presented by Matthew Vallier
March 4th (Tuesday) 6:15 PM
Acton Public Library, Old Saybrook, CT
"Cornelia Hancock:
Civil War Nurse"
presented by Carolyn Ivanoff
March 6th (Thursday) 7:00 PM
New England Civil War Museum
Coming Soon...
Park Day sponsored by the American Battlefield Trust
April 26th (Saturday) 10 AM to 3 PM
New England Civil War Museum
"The Boys of Tolland County: Company D, 14th CVI"
presented by Colton Faletti
May 1st (Thursday) 7:00 PM
New England Civil War Museum
"Connecticut Blood on the Louisiana Bayou, April 14, 1863"
presented by Chris Biggs
March 12th (Wednesday) 6:30 PM
2nd Bridge Brewing Company, Manchester, CT

Shoreline Civil War Roundtable Event:
"The Lincoln Assassination"
presented by Mallory Smith
April 1st (Tuesday) 6:15 PM
Acton Public Library, Old Saybrook, CT
“Following the 15th Connecticut from North Carolina to Virginia”
presented by Henry Roper
April 3rd (Thursday) 7:00 PM
New England Civil War Museum
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